1. Installation

We assume you’re familiar with Composer, a dependency manager for PHP. Use following command to add the bundle to your composer.json and download package.

If you have Composer installed globally.

$ composer require nim/form-bundle:0.1.0@dev

Otherwise you have to download .phar file.

$ curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
$ php composer.phar require nim/form-bundle:0.1.0@dev

1.1. Adding required bundles to the kernel

You need to enable the bundle inside the symfony kernel.


// app/AppKernel.php

public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = array(
        new NIM\FormBundle\NIMFormBundle(),

1.2. Twig configuration

            - 'NIMFormBundle:Bootstrap3:form.html.twig'

1.3. http://phpspec.net Specifications

$ cd path/bundle/
$ composer install --dev
$ bin/phpspec run -fpretty