3. Form extension

3.1. Form

Options are added to the form type:

  • legend (string) : Legend of the form type.

3.2. Date extension

Options are added to the form type:

  • placeholder (string) : Placeholder, the default value is the format option.

3.3. Text extension

Options are added to the form type:

  • placeholder (string) : Placeholder.

3.4. Collection extension

Two options are added to the basic collection form type:

  • button_add_label (default : ‘form.collection.add’) : Label of the addition button
  • item_by_line (default : 1) : integer assigned to the template to calculate the number of items by line.

Example with bootstrap : boxWidth = 12 / item_by_line

3.4.1. HTML markup

The container element needs to have data-form-type=”collection” as html attribute. It is used to enable the form collection plugin. All data attributes beginning by data-form-collection are used by the plugin and should not be removed.

<div data-form-type="collection" data-prototype='...'>
    <div data-form-collection="list" class="row collection-list">

        <input type="hidden" data-form-prototype="prototypeName" value="..." />

        <div data-form-collection="item"
             class="col-md-{{ boxWidth }} collection-item">

            <!-- Put here your sub form -->

            <a href="#" data-form-collection="delete">

    <a href="#" data-form-collection="add">

List of HTML attributes:

  • data-prototype : form prototype
  • data-form-collection=”list” : container of the list of the collection item
  • data-form-collection=”item” : container of the collection item
  • data-form-collection-index=”XX” : index of the current collection item
  • data-form-collection=”delete” : HTML element used to remove collection item
  • data-form-collection=”add” : HTML element used to add a new collection item using the form prototype.
  • data-form-collection=”update” : HTML element used to update the collection item when on change event is fired. Element has to belong to the current collection item.
  • data-form-prototype=”update” : HTML element used to update the form prototype when change event is fired.

3.4.2. Updating dynamically the form Prototype

When a HTML element which has data-form-prototype=”update” as HTML attribute fired change event, the plugin will find the new prototype from the server if the data-form-url=”Url” is specified. The value of the input/select and the position of the collection item will be submitted to the server.

<div data-form-collection="item" data-form-collection-index="1">
    <select data-form-url="example.com/update">
        <option value="rule">Rule</option>
        <option value="action">Action</option>

In this example, the value of the select and the position will be sent to the server.

Another way exists, hidden inputs can be used too if you don’t want to generate the prototype by the server. You need to insert as many hidden inputs as select options in the page. They need to have attribute like data-form-prototype=”prototypeName”. “prototypeName” needs to match to one of all the select options.

<div data-form-collection="item" data-form-collection-index="1">

    <input type="hidden" data-form-prototype="rule" value="..." />
    <input type="hidden" data-form-prototype="action" value="..." />

        <option value="rule">Rule</option>
        <option value="action">Action</option>

In this example, when you select Rule, the plugin will replace the current form prototype by the value of the hidden input which has data-form-prototype=”rule”.